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Technical Support Services

Technical support services are being strategically outsourced to India as global companies discover the benefits of access to an experienced team of specialists with the added benefits of improved service quality, lower costs of ownership and reduced risk.

You can outsource technical support services to us, secure in the knowledge that a pool of trained and experienced engineers are available 24×7 to provide your customers technical support through a multi-modal user interface using the web, email, chat or voice, within agreed-upon response times and levels of quality.

Internal & External Helpdesks

Internal and external helpdesks have distinct roles. An internal helpdesk supports the employees of a company while the external helpdesk supports external customers – the buyers or users of the product. A hybrid model helpdesk supports both by providing a blend of services. It’s typically found in small- or medium-sized companies.

Tech support centers offer strategic value by –

  • Increasing customer satisfaction and retention
  • Increasing revenues through cross-sell and up-sell of services
  • Increasing resource utilization and productivity of employees through internal helpdesk function
  • Reducing costs
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