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Home Inbound Call Management

Simple call routing engine

Our feature-rich Inbound Call Management service gives you complete control of your inbound services and the ability to truly deliver on your customer service promises. Enjoy a wealth of call features including routing, queuing, recording, hunt group, multi-level IVR and blacklisting/whitelisting.

While setting up an on-premise inbound call platform can be a lengthy, complex process, Inbound Call Management is a fully network-based service that requires no on-premise hardware, significantly reducing setup time. Our service has been designed and built using industry-leading systems and software. And, as a PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) solution, Inbound Call Management is always on, so you can manage your customer contact strategy in real-time through our online portal.

Low provisioning and running costs

Inbound Call Management gives you the same flexibility and choice when it comes to managing your costs, as it does when it comes to your inbound calls. Setting up and running on-premise inbound call solutions is traditionally an expensive route to managing customer experience. Inbound Call Management removes a lot of these unnecessary costs, making it much easier to implement, while our simple pricing structure makes inbound calling flexible, predictable and easy to budget for

Business continuity built-in

Customer contact points are the main link between businesses and their customers, so it’s vital that they are always operational, especially during your seasonal peaks. Downtime can lead to poor customer experience, lack of consumer confidence and potentially high financial losses. Our service gives you the power to create many types of disaster recovery plans, to help you keep customer satisfaction levels high when the pressure’s on.

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